
Opticom International Research AB

Our mission is to help our clients improve their profits by transforming data and knowledge into strategic advice and concrete action plans. As a trusted and credible advisor to leading global clients we are passionate about understanding your key challenges and in finding solutions that deliver true value and ROI. By combining Opticom’s unparalleled capabilities in analyzing feedback from stakeholders in complex value chains, broad and deep industrial expertise and experienced consultants we can assure that clients are served with first-class consulting support. We offer a unique portfolio of consulting services with different scope and content but all focusing on creating value!

Varför jobba här!
- Work together with some of the world’s largest, most successful, and innovative companies. - Have an exciting part-time job alongside studies or other commitment. - Work in an international environment together with other skilled people from different countries and cultures. - Practice your language skills while you are studying at university. - Have an additional income and combine an interesting job and learning experience with an excellent job opportunity. - Do you have a genuine interest for marketing and market research and would like to communicate with professionals worldwide and help us to convey their message to our clients? - Have an additional income and combine an interesting job and learning experience with an excellent job opportunity in Sweden.

Aktiva jobb från Opticom International Research AB

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Opticom International Research AB


