
Uppdragshuset AB

Uppdragshuset has worked for more than twenty years with a vision to provide smarter support along the innovation process. Our aim is to assist in making effective decisions in view of risks and opportunities in innovation projects. Clients from all over the world request our services because of our unique expertise in finding and presenting the right information; quite simply “the art of finding” Uppdragshuset is a niche Swedish firm in an exciting growth phase. We work with clients from all over the world, primarily in Europe and the US. The day-to-day tasks consist of supporting clients in the handling of inventions and patent litigations. We provide our clients with the right information to support business critical decisions. Our team aspires to master the art of finding by continuous development, both of ourselves as individuals and of the company.

Varför jobba här!
We have offices in Stockholm and Berlin. The Stockholm office is located close to Tantolunden on Södermalm and the Berlin office located in the Akazienstraße neighbourhood in Schöneberg, We are a 16 people team with a workplace atmosphere characterised by humour and openness.

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Uppdragshuset AB


